Meet the Authors of Secrets, Scandals and Seduction: Marianne Spitzer


About The Story

What do you find interesting about your main characters?

My main female character’s strength under the most difficult circumstances and my main male character’s kindness.   

Where does the story take place and why did you choose this setting?

It begins in Wisconsin and continues in a fort out West and then Montana. I wanted my female character to travel West, and the fort and Montana fit the story line. 

Share a little about the story behind the story.

Showing the strength we don’t realize we have until we need it. Amaryllis faces tragedy, fear, a forced move, peril, humiliation, and rejection yet finds the courage to face it all and overcome.

What is the theme or takeaway you want readers to think about?

Have faith. The best things can come from the worst times in our lives. 


About The Author

When did you know you wanted to be an author?

In the 6th grade when I received an A for a story I wrote and my teacher told my mom she could see me as a writer one day.

Favorite animal?


If you could travel to any spot in the world, where would it be?

Bavaria to visit where my ancestors come from. I spent a summer there when I was nine and I’d love to see it again.

What’s next in your writing?

I have several books coming out this year in different multi-author series. I also have a few ideas of single books floating around in my head. I always have more ideas than time, but I try to get as much writing done as I can. 


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Author Bio

Rose has read her way through countless romances over the years, “borrowing” them from her older sisters, and hiding them from her mother.

She has a special love for Regency romances and when she began writing, the Regency period was a natural place to start.


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