Latest Release – “The Wallflower’s Unseen Charm”

Can Miss Joy Bosworth, a spirited wallflower, capture the heart of the meticulous Viscount Yarmouth amidst a curious mystery of lost and found?

Miss Joy Bosworth is the youngest daughter to Viscount Halifax and, having seen her three older sisters marry, has been left to find her own husband. Unfortunately, her talkative nature and firm confidence prevents her from being considered as a suitable match and thus, she forms friendships with the other young ladies who are forced to stand to the side of the ballroom or ignored at soirees. Spying an item belonging to one of the gentlemen she is acquainted with, Joy returns it to him but thinks nothing more of it.

Viscount Henry Yarmouth is much too busy seeking out the most proper young lady for himself to notice a wallflower, but when one returns an item to him – along with a sharp reprimand that he should be more careful the next time he takes out something of such great value – he becomes rather intrigued. When the very same item goes missing only a few days later, only to be returned by her again, Henry finds himself completely and utterly entangled by both the strange mystery and the lady herself. Can he untangle the mystery? And what will he do about his own heart?

The Wallflower’s Unseen Charm is the first in the Waltzing with Wallflowers series. It is clean and wholesome and suitable for all ages. Get your copy today!

Happy Reading,

All my love,


The Wallflower's Unseen Charm

The Wallflower’s Unseen Charm

Latest Boxset – “Lost Fortunes, Found Love”

I bring you tales of Lords who went to a “copper hell” for an evening’s entertainment and lost their fortunes through nefarious means. What will they be willing to do to get it back?

Gambling was an accepted pastime during Regency times and people would bet on anything! An evening out or at home playing cards made for an enjoyable couple hours and a few coins made it more interesting. While some gambling was harmless and fun, high stakes gambling could lead to addiction, shocking losses, ruin, and even suicide. While wealthy men gambled in clubs, players could depend upon an honest game but there were also less reputable places to play. People from all classes gambled in the “copper hells” but cheating was common.

Six stories of how men were cheated of their fortune, and ladies that helped them regain their fortune and find love!

The Viscount’s Stolen Fortune
A Viscount who has lost his fortune…can he regain it with the help of a young lady destined to become a companion

For Richer or Poorer
The Earl of Wiltsham, despondent about his lost fortune, finds a desperate lady in his townhouse! Might Julia be the key to recovering his fortune and finding a life of love?

Her Heart’s Choice
One newly impoverished Marquess meets one relentlessly inquisitive Lady.

A Dreadful Secret
Viscount Pottinger lost his fortune. Miss Tara Shaw could lose her reputation. Could they gain a future together?

Their Forgotten Love
Has Lady Emma been forgotten by Lord Thornbridge? She is determined to find out the truth…regardless of the outcome!

His Convenient Match
An impoverished Lord must marry for money, now that his fortune has been stolen. Lady Charlotte discovers a clue about his stolen fortune that changes everything. Can they find a future together filled with love and security?

There are many hours of entertainment in this clean and wholesome Regency romance boxset, suitable for all ages! Get your copy today!

Happy Reading,

All my love,


Lost Fortunes, Found Love: A Regency Romance Boxset

Lost Fortunes, Found Love: A Regency Romance Boxset

Author Bio

Rose has read her way through countless romances over the years, “borrowing” them from her older sisters, and hiding them from her mother.

She has a special love for Regency romances and when she began writing, the Regency period was a natural place to start.


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