My New Release – “A Foolish Wager”

A Lady with a limp. A Gentleman blackmailed in a wager. Can anything good come of this?

Lady Amelia Ferguson cannot remember the day she fell from the apple tree in the orchard, but she has carried the consequences of it ever since.

Even though she is the daughter of the late Earl of Stockbridge, London society do not regard her as of any importance because of her limp. She hopes that Lady Smithton can help her in her dream of finding a kind, gentle, and accepting gentleman for a husband.

Lord Oliver Montague is a gentleman with both fortune and influence. Blackmailed into a wager he must take or lose his reputation in the ton, he is forced to court Lady Amelia and try to win the bet of making Lady Amelia fall in love with him and state those words aloud.

However, the moment he sees her, Oliver begins to fear he has made a dreadful mistake. But what can he do when so much is at stake?

This book is the fourth book of a series called The Spinsters Guild, a group of unusual ladies who are almost “on the shelf”. Can Lady Emily help them find their perfect match?

I hope you love the book!

Happy Reading!

All my love,


A Foolish Wager

A Foolish Wager

Author Bio

Rose has read her way through countless romances over the years, “borrowing” them from her older sisters, and hiding them from her mother.

She has a special love for Regency romances and when she began writing, the Regency period was a natural place to start.


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